We offer our customers Conventional Boilers and Burners for liquid and gaseous fuels (gas and / or diesel, biogas …), with different levels of power, pressure and steam flow, to respond to all needs and intervening both in the supply and assembly of equipment such as the engineering of the design, development and legalization project.

Our equipment covers powers between 80 kW and 16,000 kW and a generation capacity that ranges from 100 kg / h to 20,000 kg / h.

On the other hand, we have boilers for generating hot or superheated water and thermal oil and, in addition, we supply residual heat recovery boilers, manufactured and custom designed to optimize the performance and operation of the boiler itself and taking into account all the possibilities of energy saving.

The different types of boilers that we can offer can be:

Fire tube boilers for generating hot water, superheated water and saturated steam.

Thermal oil boilers.

Water tube boilers. For generation of superheated steam and cogeneration.

Waste heat recovery boilers (from combustion gases …). For generation of steam and superheated or hot water and other thermal fluids.


On the other hand, we can supply other complementary and auxiliary equipment for this type of installation and according to the client’s needs. In the product catalog of this section are the following:

Pressure vessels.


Thermal degassers.

Deposits, accumulators and inter-accumulators.

Energy recovery systems.
